October 31, 2009

having a pain Halloween i dont really care what kinda day is it... i just want you...
before u close the phone what u have told me...i know what u meant...i really does.... from the start i have been doing for it, overcome to it... Everyday im still doing it and i dont stop it at all...
Everything u said...i have think of it before...every single thing... im really trying hard 2 do it...but.. time is the problem for me... it looks like i really need to had alot of time....
From that day onwards, the way u talk to me...the way u try 2 tell me,its really hurt... i knew it all...i dont know how 2 face u...everytime...when u wanna close my call... its really pain, im really afraid there wont be anymore tomorrow... but now its true, whatever i m thinking of last time... all realistic is infront of me... im trying....
Even thou, Its hurts... But no matter what i have done, im wishing it for you..
i know how disgraceful this is.. somehow, i do gasping for that...
I understand, im think over and over again... from i closed your call.. till now... i m really scared...tears are falls just like wrist cutting that its dripping...
I does really love you...i can swear... but sometimes... its not what i can control about... im not the one who gain everything...
A hopeless person like me....i dont think i really can do anything much for you.. but im really trying as much as i could..
i dont have any more other request...useless person like me would never worth anything... as always im being alone, i use to have friends to dull my loneliness...but i need you more than them... you are the person that i really loved all the time..
I am doing to be the one you said so...
I love you, i dont really used to said it for nothing..i really meant it...


October 26, 2009

10.56 AM morning
Finally fixed the stupid spyware... argh.. takes me an hour.. nevermind its a " past tenses " muahahahaha!
I went to cut my hair to short hair now..im a guy that dnt knw how to set hair style... " as a guy, im sure very stupid d lur " kakax.. its ok~ [ she will learn and set 4 me geh... ngek ngek... Ps : u promise d har " ]

Morning wake up, opps its noon XD
start find my so po d... chat a few moment she is busy with her things...
then later on she went out... i damn tired sleep for a moment...
Tv and Orange come afterwards... Tv's gf went back to KL lolx~ after that we chat about boys thingy... can said they chat about boys thingy..i just used to listen while smsing my dear...
for some few minutes chat about they said wanna go to BJ... well okie... went there i bought few things 1 Animation that is " The file of kindaichi " then bought 2 games on XBOX
They said going to eat at queensbay..unfortunately my dear going back...
Well planing to chase her car~~ but its too far it seems so i gave up... then went to queensbay.. go in a new restaurant there... for a dinner... ermmm... glass of juices + congee +  a pao thingy = RM30 ++
ummmm... its full but..its pain on my pocket...
then went to walk walk~ nth 2 do..while walk sure smsing..
then start really really bored... back for after an hour i think... Reach home d they start xbox-ing... i busy watching the game XD [ P.s : very sorry to my laopo~~ muawkxz^^ mai angry ya~~ lurb eu ] after send my laopo few picture and recieve few picture.. on the phone awhile... She went to bed... i oso kinda sleepy.. planing to take picture...but..i dint, then 12 like tat wake up Tv go back home. But Orange still here.. He watch " D.Gray-Man " until 4~5am i unable to go to bed... 5am sleep le.. 6am + wake up bcuz of my dear msg haha^^ then continue sleep... 11.00 wake up start read and write blog...later on, might nothin will happend~
Hope my laopo take care lur~ dont too rush for donation if really no ppl donate , i donate lur~~
Missed her while my eye's open.. Had a dream while im sleepin XD

Got to go for my " Daily Personal Duty " DPD  =)
GG 88


October 25, 2009

borin whole day.. waitin so lou wake up..
he seems lik belly late ka slp ytd..
after view-in blog balu noe he com kena virus..
repair-in whole nite.. pity him..
well.. on9 doin my daily schedule
lunch at mcd..
dint take any my picha.. oni take gal gal d.. haha
while waitin andy plyin.. we(miie.. gal gal n mimi..) started 2 chat abt gal topic lur..
after we headed QB for baskin robbin.. Lolxx..

the view of  highways while goin Qb..
Reached thr around 4smth..
many cars goin qb at the same time.. swt.. = ="
jam til..
finally find dao place 2 park..

Xixi.. Bcaz of dis we comin 2 qB..
Callin 2  big cup n doNo wat mix mix n mix geh flavor inside it.. haha
kinda strange when eat first mouth.. xDD
take picha wif gal gal.. so can gip so lou c lur.. (he paksa miie take geh.. >""<)

Dis picha take jor miie lik unbalance gam.. >w<

after dat..
we started 2 shop agn.. LOLxx..

they decorated for halloween party..
Sommor many bat dint take dao.. xD

at toilet take geh.. Xixi.. blur blur gam..
curi meet old fren at their workin place..
aso ki c dao ye yue geh gf at vince'co thr..
pretty gal luur.. gal gal say she nt same as her photo.. real ppl ka nicer.. haha
ltr on buy smth at beadszone n brands outlet..
bek at 7 smth..
mana tau so lou wif his fren comin ltr.. Aiiyah..
sommor ai chase lai while goin bek home.. (>w< sot jor meh..)
whole day jux pass lik dat lur..

2moro goin out for donation.. i think wil be belly fun geh.. Ngek~


8.50am wake today... so sleepy.. i though my dear would wake that early since she slept too early yesterday but after an hour only she wake up lol xD
Today, went to alot of... " i dowan 2 go de place "

i spot light for this couple whole day.
Destination :
1. Bukit Bendera
2. Kek Lok Si
3. Dinner x2 times

1. first destination , i went there for a moment... i waitin for them inside my car...not anything much happend
2. second destination... Warghh dang... walk up walk down repeatly 3 ~ 4 times.. die man... die... damn tired..i havent ate anything since i wake till now...
3. Third destination, finally my first meal is on... oopppss hp no battery~~~ BORED...
4. Last destination, Friends back from KL ask me out for a drink..well, i dnt talk much at all...

[p.s] i so pek chek now!!! who the hell touched my laptop and there is sumkinda virus interrupting my pc thingy... arghhh... solution solution!!!!!!! scan scan...waitin for the scan now... haiy.... what the hell is happening... pek chek!!!!!!!!!!!!! back 2 my daily blogging life... with pek chek de mood on

saw alot of things at " kek lok si "
some picture here are the thingy

Hello Kitty XD

And last one..

Well, i though only goddess stuff

[P.S] this is the virus thingy or spyware thingy that interrupt me!!!

 I cant attacked by virus if i m the one who using it... just which idiot use my pc and kena this virus!!!! whatever im still finding the solution..

very paiseh...im out of mood 2 continue writing.. c ya.. busy for me again...


October 24, 2009

9.48 wake up.. wash face brush teeth n had breakfas..
after dat on9 agn lur.. when on msn so lou greet 2 miie d.. scare dao..
he say he tot miie wake up early since ytd early slp jor..
aiiyah.. nvm d ma.. i mana ko leng can early wake nerh.. xDD
ltr on.. doin my DOS (as so lou says..haha)
abt 10 smth.. watchin ben10 alien force..
(ps://feelin ben10 ka nicer..) 
*chit chat chit chat*
after bath.. i startin 2 plan wat wanna wear adi lur..
a shirt.. short pant.. n wear-in a necklace dat gt alphabet "A"
ltr tie hair.. tryin 2 usin cosmetic lur.. bt.. haiy.. i'm nt lik othr gals gam pandai make up geh.. T^T
even gal gal aso noe hw.. Wonderin wif so lou out dat time.. sob sob..

Dang dang..
i'm stil miie.. without make up.. long hair..
bt nt longer.. i chng myself  into women nt a gal anymor.. =]
jux wait eu can c~   muahaha..
bek 2 topic..
abt 2 smth we goin 2 gurney..
at car startin take picha agn..

reached gurney at 3 pm..
first mux eat sin lur..
we decided 2 go fish market.. ( i mean restaurant.. *cough*)
while waitin food com.. take jor few picha..
ps:// andy keep doin his funny face.. >w<"


After eatin.. havin our shoppin trip..
mimi ki find my aunty.. gossip awhile..
we head 2 fourskin.. converse.. hello kitty.. F.O.S.. Vince'Co n mor mor..

he blowin smth lik flu or wat else.. haha
bt nice n clear lur... ( clap for he.. )
evry1 is gt closer 2 hear it.. =]
after dat brin andy ki toys"r"us..
well.. many halloween costume since halloween is comin nxt fri or sat..

little witch hu's boy name andy.. LOLxx..

 Ended at 6 smth nearly 7.. Caz andy keep wanna go home..

buy jor dis at skin food.. whole day spend rm100+ .. haha
shopaholic fate
[shake head   xDD]


Well today, wake up feel like wanted to get some read up before exam..but..after i listen to the " Toccata And Fugure D Minor " start lazy d..
While on to examination hall, alot of people standing outside studying... well i took my paper read for 2minutes then i entered the examination room. Question 1 no problem at all.. but..i have to do 5 question but i only got 1/5 of the question that i able to do...Gosh..hope gimme a 'D' will do..i dont aim for distinction or hell CGPA thingy...

What im doing while examination... miss my dear so po

Planning to buy the hello kitty thingy for my so po..but i dnt knw what she is thinkin maybe " 50 : 50 "... i really hope i can get something for her or do something for her...im such a useless bf " my own personal thinkin "i guess im anyway, but i will try to do my best i can to treat her. Well, kinda not very happy since i heard she said nt coming here for the donation thingy... Today i think we dint talk much, now i missed her alot alot..hope she does having a sweet dreams^^

So my so po is planning to go for the....ermm...gathering or BBQ some kinda thingy? might be after i read the blog that she wrote down... hope she does really take care and be safe.. oh ya, having fun and enjoying there too. I will be worry about her ofcourse....
Tomorrow might be busy going out be a " spotlight " or " lamp pole " again.. Tv and his gf  asked me to go..no idea...just to follow...Argh... i dowan be spotlight...i wan someone to accompany me so that i no need to be spotlight again..but i always does...really used to it very much...and i dowan to!! i wan my so po... T^T
My dear oso going out, either Grny or QB i think..well, hope she does enjoy...

Yawn... Gotta sleep d...

Finish for my exam prepare for another semester. P.s : i really planing to buy the doll for her ><"
Haiy.. Sorry ya " to my so po " i gotta luan luan think again...dnt ask me why...damn fan....


October 23, 2009

Wat a day.. unlucky day..
haiy~ result for my skol donation.. is zero ar..
try 2 askin them for donate.. bt they al dunwn choi miie..
or usin no a reason geh reason ans miie..
sam tam + hot dao.. n aso face red red ar..
my fren they geng lur.. can sel many many..
al sel above den 2 book ar.. (xiam mu-in)
teacher tel us mon din go super tanker thr for donate d..
Caz gt som class rampas thr jor.. haiy agn..
ltr on we ki prangin eat n shoppin 2.. walk til SnJ shop..
say dao super big geh hello kitty ar.. bt expensive lur.. RM189 ar..
i stil tel dat gal wait for miie.. haha.. if can i aso wan buy geh.. T^T
So lou suddenly din go undang exam jor..
Nvm bah.. dis time din hv.. nxt time luu..
nt dat rush aso ma.. xD
Erm.. my old skol fren keep askin miie out for gathering 3day 2nite..
lz overnite ar.. brin dis brin dat..
at las he cal miie oni ki Bbq lur..
1 day nvm bah.. promise jor he luu..

2moro they gonna goin indian pasar hor..
i Surrender for it.. haha
Finally exam finish luu.. shuang till... yippeee.. yahoo~
(raise hand raise leg.. xD)
*Laugh Out Loud*


Fuuu~~ 1am d...
well thats my way on starting to write blog on midnight XD
Yesterday, Hacking home inn for lao po d mimi n aunt... hand so " suiiih " i dnt knw hw 2 said in english sry XD... hacked around 600k per Acc... [ laopo how r u going 2 repay me? ]
  not done well on exam today... Answered question 1,2,3,7,8 question
question 1 , 2 , 8 not much problem
thus, 3 , 7 start headache... Well i wrote " PeiLynn" on my paper around 900 words and my  " Mw " included

After Exam, back home for more entertainment to cool down myself because of tomorrow exam..
watch movie... " Orphan " Ngek ngek~ nice lor~~~ XD " CENCORED " hmmm... so po wanna watch with me mar??? she sure shout like.....

After a moment wait for my " so po " come bck~
we been on phone for ermm 4hrs ++ if not mistaken.... well, after that my phone C902 is back ngek ngek ngek!!! nt very happy....nvm... after phone calls laopo went 2 bed then  i went 2 the... " nine's kings ceremony "... nothing much to see... saw back old fren chat for a moment..then back home luu~~

Reach Home play XBOX with TV i won him 6 rounds of games ^^V
gonna go bed soon... not much mood to stay alive 2 night...
Tomorrow she gonna be late home...hope she dont too stress up for the creeping donation for school... lolx
Missed her alot alot... Tomorrow exam " Operating System "
Example of the Question:
1. Define the term operating system OS?
Answers below :
-Manage computer hardware
-Acts an intermediary between user and computer
-Manage computer resources
-Control program
like that only gimme 4 marks.... sei yeh... lazy to memorize those thing... duh~~
+U lar 2mr... for me... Haiy.... Saturday 1 more exam!!! siii liaoooo llarrrrrxxx@@ finish bising liao...88 nite nite write till here can d....


October 22, 2009

Ytd.. hmm..
exam usin ting tong tiang 2 get over it..
after skol jux lik normal.. bath.. eat..
After dat miie n my fren headin 2 take salary.. $$
haiy~ 220 kena minus -8.90.. kolian..
ltr on.. ki my kai ma house.. doNo they gt cal wat wat sami com wor..
while waitin.. i started take picha.. (nt miie ofcourse)
say cheeseeezz 2 camera gal.. *ka chak*

 Oppss.. wat is this..
Erm.. it actually my aunty head..
many ppl are askin her hair arent real 1..
ofcourse real d lar.. xDD

after few hours... waitin waitin..
sambil  chatin.. (sur is abt "aunty" thing lur)
Miie nerh.. sambil listen-in n msg-in so lou lur..
his always seem lik free gam geh.. haha
oh ya.. n i cal so lou help my mimi n aunty 2 cheat in home inn..
hack money.. LOlz.. Sry.. + thx 2 so lou yarhxx.

abt 7 smth nearly 8.. sami com jor.. nt 1.. 5 ar..
com jor they terus pi eat..
my mimi + grandma cook n som1 aso..
we continue chit chat chit chat lur..
after dat they startin 2 kong keng d..

bla bla bla..
abt 1 hour ++ finish jor..
after we hv-in dinner jiu when home le..
til home terus slp le lur..
ps://totally 4gt abt exam d.. n so lou exam aso.. >w<
      Gambateh agn.. altough 2 late jor.. xP


October 21, 2009

Wednesday midnight 3.57am
just back from outside...
nowadays, i seems not so happy with anything...
aint know why..

Thus, this day keep repeating the same thing everyday morning.
1. wake up
2. get clean up
3. facebook
4. figure

until 3pm + , well start waitin for my phone 2 ring....finally..she smsed me..
but after few messages...well, im dont really be the one she need already, i think.. from the beginning im not used to it but now, im getting used to it while she is busy with her " daily online schedule ". i will just wait until she is done..
why do i had that dream tat day??? why it is so realistic???
well maybe...i just think too much...or because i have some imagination that show the realistic?
im easy being jealous? am i? i do really does.... but i wont tell, i wont show..
im a person that cried easily? no doubt, i do really... but it mostly on my love once i will.
Emo is what gonna make me silent and keep my mood not to swing again

Nowadays, missed " so po " alot alot.. she keep repeating callin me " so lou "
please answer the question " why u keep calling me that?? " LOL joking..
My love for you will never change..
good luck on your exam..im having mine starting on 22th stupid college exam
then 24th regulation exam..

Well, my dear is gonna be back late tomorrow, hope she does really take care and be careful..
i really start worrying a lot.. maybe im too out of confident of myself...
gonna get to bed by now..
Good Night..


October 20, 2009

Gal gal ki do bank acc le lur..
Caz her perform earn dao d..
bt receive dao cheque.. so need 2 open id..
after 3 day ka can take dao..
Somtime feel dao gal gal belly lucky lur..
she always get wat she wan..
money.. transport.. activiti.. haiy~

say dao salary 2moro miie aso wanna go take d lur..
doNo hw muchii.. haha..
Den ltr mimi brin miie go somwhr pray pray hor..
2day..eng exam.. n pedagangan[madarin geh]
beh hiao lur.. of course..
miss so lou muchii muchii ar.. =]

Akon-Sorry,Blame On Me

niceee~~ (thumb up)


October 19, 2009

Borin.. Borin.. Borin..

Big big rain at morinin geh time..

cold dao~

Evryday jux simply pass by..
feelin life jux gone by lik dat.. nth special..
erm.. las 3 days go part time 4 deepavali..
Okk la.. dint short dao.. haha
belly miss som1 lur.. doNo he whole day doin wat..
aso doNo luan luan think hami... [ask he mai tel.. >'''<]
He wanna exam d lur.. wish so lou gud luck lur..
n aso gambateh at undang ar.. xD
2day B.M exam.. super tired..
eye almos close d lur..
keep thinkin so lou..

write til here la.. lz adi.. muahaha..


October 5, 2009

So Lonely....

" As a BF, unable to give accompany, cheers, happiness to their own loves one consider as a failure and useless one "

Cough non-stop...throat kinda pain...

Well...Slept on 1AM, wake at 5AM... later gonna sleep again...because of stupid cough....
Fixed PC for my friend..end up not so happy...
But at least got eu... im so happy to have you...

5.12AM wilson hvnt back home...Still plying dota on my PC...
i miss you very much..want you alot n alot more....
*Cough* Sleepy and hardly stop coughing... well...2mr only start then..

Hate soar throat and cough...
Yawn~ Go sleep sin..
Khaw Pei Lynn I Love You!!


October 4, 2009

9.35am sun
som1 hvnt wake up yet.. i think he las nite sur late late ka slp d..

Ytd.. en en.. a busy day..
mornin we tot we chi dao adi.. mana tau reach ka skol..
teacher mor late den us.. swt.. = ="
finish tuition.. miie n happy "walkin" 2 gurney..
after take our lunch (of course in mcd luu.. muahaha)
den nerh.. we statin 2 shop le luu..
Many ppl at gurney.. i think da ppl mari caz of som idol com here perform bah..
stayin thr few hours..
ltr we took bus down pgm..
continue shop agn..
say cheers 2 shopaholic.. xDD
abit scare dao when reach pgm.. jing ran few ppl dao.. kong pu..
abt 6 smth we wait bus le..
mana tau 7 smth ka gt 203.. long dao..
+ thr many malay ar.. >w<
Bek til home jiu ha kin ha kin bath n chng cloth lur..
reach thr.. startin Bbq..
they Bbq.. i eat nia.. haha
after eat.. b camera gal le..

[left 2 right: andy.. bebe.. yao yao..]

 andy.. wif funny face.. xDD

ply-in candle..

 hello kitty geh lantern pang ki.. dis dai ki her luu.. T^T

camera gal geh "jiang li".. muahaha..

2day nerh gip 2 aunty bluff ki..
i tel them mai go out.. Den they say go gai gai..
mana tau go mos near geh gai gai.. "sunshine farlim"..
N hor.. kena lapar til 3-4pm sin can eat.. >w<
2day din take picha.. caz hungry til eye aso blur blur d..

L.. E.. YMw..


October 3, 2009

Today at starbucks...chit chat...lolx~
well today, weather not bad...but im kinda bored all the times
she came back...miss her alot n alot

Well my dear salary nearly rm600 not bad wor for part time
i din go KL, because of the 190cm TV
 others view, its good i dun hv 2 spend those money for a such waste^^

Hope laopo tomorrow have a great time^^ i lurb eu
well, tomorrow go restaurant for " Steak " maybe :P
not really get sure about it

About my C902
Haiy...gonna sell it and buy X1 muahahaha~~~ Rm1k+ sim tiah ar...
Well 3.49AM d i still nt sleepy hahaha
drink too much coffee
STARBUCKS " JAVA CHIP " i miss eu~ hahaha
i miss my laopo more muawkxz~
Pei Lynn i love you...i try to sleep now muawkxz!


October 2, 2009

2day primary skol children day..
borrow our hall 2 celebrate.. c dao many ginna.. cute lur.. wearin perform geh shirt.. walk lai walk ki..
4 course c dao  xiao shuai ge luu.. (maii jealous ha.. he xiao shuai ge.. eu my da shuai ge.. xDD)
he aso gt perform.. kung fu smth lik dat gua.. haha..
little intro from him.. name darren.. he is my didi geh fren geh ginna lai.. dis year std6 adi..
kinda shy.. n belly short nia.. haha
Erm.. my class near hall lur.. many song from hall geh sur hear dao.. abit huai nian.. kakaxx..
las time keong hoe hall belly big eh ar.. den we all squeeze at bek thr chat + laugh da da sheng..
after dat teacher gt sendiri celebrate at pejabat.. den whole skol out of control.. luan luan run.. we run 2 othr class ply le lur.. kacau ppl of course.. haha..
Qi guai secondary skol boh dis kinda event geh.. if gt sur cal teenager day le.. muahaha..
2day take salary adi.. we keep at class discuss diao get hw much..
at the end get dao rm590.75... Okk la.. nt so much lur.. *greedy dao~*
dat guy stil cal us 2moro go part time 1 day.. lz d lur.. need break awhile~~

think dao aso feel belly tired ar..

Som1 din go kl jor.. doNo good news or bad.. haha
2moro moon festival le~  mornin go tuition den ltr go gurney..
at nite we go "ti teng long"
ltr wanna find my teng long le.. hello kitty geh.. N year be4 buy geh.. mimi say belly old d lur..
haha.. las year din go ti.. dis year mux take "her" show 9 9 ler.. Ngek~
hu~ feelin 2moro wil b fun.. haha
end here luu.. buaiz~
L.. E.. YMw..


New moon raise on to the sky
<<< i hope i will be the one who kissed eu like on the picture^^

Pity laopo..today the pc restart qu ><" nvm narh +U+U
Seiyeh they wan see u must show de meh...haiy...jingak lur
[ u knw i dnt like d mar ]
enuff saying wad wad da dong d...picture take angle n edit d mar sure looks nice abit mar... If no edit different lur~ Geli dao~~ stop saying en tau..cuz..101% nt XD
[TQ ^^V]

No Bank account, use mine lar hahaha^^
Im hidden, no ppl knw me geh muahahahahha!!! XD so even u lend book also cant d^^

Yr team d, Lolx argue for wad wor @@
friend argue awhile good back d de mar^^

Nowadays, Damn bad mood....just now ar...let some1 cheat again...jin gak!!! ><"
[ i wont ask her to open webcam again ] IM SURE~

Bo mood write le...night night~ lurb eu KPL 4eva~


October 1, 2009

2day can count many thing happenzz..
1st.. spot check.. din kena.. pass safety.. phew~
2nd.. design class.. usin 2 hours 35min 2 finish it.. mana tau save whole thing le..
com restart.. 0.0 !!   boh liao lur.. after restart.. evrything so clean.. include my file.. T^T
surrender with it..
3rd.. 2day we 3 flower sit 2gether chat-in in math class lur.. belly nan de.. Caz starz is science class.. oni spm class she balu come.. we chat many thing lur.. abt som1.. they keep say som1 lik da dong.. Lolxx..( nt i wan gip they c geh ar.. they paksa miie d.. *cough*) Som1 super en tao ar.. always en tao tim.. lurb sei lur.. som1 is always my idol.. xD   n sommor say abt brother n sister luu.. suddenly saw dao 1 book.. talkin abt gal n boy thinkin.. wanna borrow it.. Den can noe mor abt som1 thinkin wat.. ( i think so..) =]
Bt many ppl bookin.. Lolxx.. i can wait geh..
Den le.. my fren tel miie 2moro can take salary d.. Bt i din hv bank wor..
take money aso so ma fan.. (shake head)

Suddenly find dao 1 disc.. inside alot of memory abt joker.. las time we always go evrywhr.. seaside lar..
swimmin.. shoppin.. doNo y suddenly lik nth jor gam.. cal them lz out.. den stil alot of argue.. haiy~
abit miss las time ar..

write til here la..
L.. E.. YMw~ xDD


Hello The moon up to the sky but...raining out there
[ kekekex]
1 thing i cant tahan i look like da dong? Impossible, he en tau + yeng + cool + famous de
me just a normal banana nia which is nt en tau nt yeng nt cool absolutely not famous^
[To show my innocence of not being him]

Morning morning bo receive dao message i tought her hp out of credit again
[ abit abit chong dong wanna reload 4 her without confirmation ]
Well its 12 d, so wish my laopo good luck on exam ya^^
2hr 30minutes only nt very long narh nvm d nvm d ok geh ok geh
[ 2 hour 2 minutes Ah~~ sei lurrr ]

OH now only remember~ sei yeh her showed up my pic to the public ><"
[ jin gak ]
Nevermind de u owe me one again

Evening : moodless , feddup, out of order space of postive... duh~
Gonna Split fire XD
but at last " TV " my fren 190 de siao lang
came, tell him those thing i m " fan " about nth d

Night Time
Gonna wish my laopo
Sweet Dreams
Sleep Tight
My Quotation today to tell ariel is :
Explaining how much i love you, is just like explaining what water taste like
so its completely impossible
