November 30, 2009

PhotobucketMon 30/11/09
Many ppl askin miie "eh.. nt suppose ki work le meh?"
i hvnt ar.. 2moro ka start..
2day count as off day..
Early Early mimi cal miie wake up acc her go somwhr..
Wonder whr is it..
After brush teeth.. wash face.. chng cloth..
Out door adi..
Andy nt followin..
Hmm.. a few min ltr..
Reached a place cal "Gurney park"
Enviroment Okk.. Bt masuk lift jiu... haha
Went to 33 floor.. high dao..
 Las time E-park aso live at 21 nia..
"Aunty+Aunty= Non-stop chattin"
Guess what i'm talkin abt?
Nt longer So lou msg reply miie..
Call miie take picha pulak..
Ppl house lai hw take wor.. >w<"
After dat at balcony take jor thr d view luu..

Haha.. Ngam Ngam thr Gt ppl paintin wall..
After dat bek d lur..

Picha for 2day.. Xixi~


November 29, 2009

1st time wearin pyjamas + pin hair ( lik aunty gam)
Takin dis picha..
Nth speacial..
Nt goin anywhr..
Tues gonna work d..
Hope evrything fine.. 

Our skol started 2 "Heng" abt bake cake or smth lik dat..
even gal gal aso takin recipe bek home..
Nxt year my fren al 2gether join bakery society..
Stil stayin at comic lur..
Continue bein "A" Cai Zheng..



Annoyed and wake.
Didi call me ask me something at the morning so i waked and the license coordinator guy called me up change the time of taking practical. So my schedule change from 1pm to 10:15am~ going soon
one thing i dont so po write wad, fei zhu liu @@ the picture she took her own de or wad @@ hahax.. dnt knw ^^ gonna ask her later

Nov 25,
went to QB with my precious loved one " So Po "
Well, she message me tell me that she is coming that time, im on my way to queensbay..
destination :
Mine - Sg.2 to QB
Her - Farlim to QB
well she is faster than me im really sweat.

Finally i went up to the GSC, i keep search for my So Po~ W00tx saw dao her d.
"Same, she never change; still so uncomfortable "
Then i get some movies tickets, F14 , F15 ^^ " really whole lot people on GSC "
then we go for a walk & chat till 3:30 [ while walking.... i luan luan think alot of things.... =X shhh... ]
then after that went in to cinema for 2012~
she cried while the " their didi farewell 2 their daughter or son " i saw her cried the first time in my life..
i... cant tell whats my feelings... just i felt that i wanna take care of her, give her a hug, and kiss her.. =X
" i never done that!!, im still pure!! >"<` "

After movie.. well, i aint know why... she started to talk wif me more..not so ' wooden ' d ^^ then its same to me. went to MCD argue wif me that she wanna order and ask me sit.. " I wont do that to my GF, to me she is the princess that i should take care of~ so she should b sitting and wait for me "
at last i win " even i lose alot of time " XD
Saw dao Charles that sei zai...really shake head...start perli me non-stop until today >"<
After that we went for little walk... i make an opportunity to hold her hand " i promise myself i had to... " well i did, but for.... 5 second? she like dont wan to let me hold her hand... keep taking her hand away [ i dont knw why... i got negatif thinking again that time...shake head.... xixi tell me y please tq i wan  da answer to cover my stupid mind thinking ^^ ]

A moment later Tv came to fetch us, while fetching her home. i wanna sit with her!! that sei TV adjust the thing next to her 4 wad!! [ Opps like say out jor tim ]
while she get down the car...well.. to what my planning does...i dint =X " well considered i failed everything today"
I forget to take picture with her " really SAD!! " ... this is my first happiest memories with her... i hope to have you forever..

Nov 26,27,28~
Well, nth much been happening.
Lately, just whole alot missed her.
dowan to say that anymore, well this day my So Po so late only went to bed. No idea what she is thinking. because of PC? or? something else? nevermind she never tell me. =X

Yesterday, my fren back from outstation. Ask me acc him go out..We went to queensbay " i can tell, i walk around queensbay, alot of wednesday memory fly out from my head " sweeet~~ ^^
Went to wad wad Osaka or wad wad O.. dnt knw la.. for dinner, 2 person ate rm98 and he paid ^^V i nvr force~ then he said wanna go baskin robbin.. well, my first time for ice cream.. ok~ RM19.95 snatch paying money...he win..because mine RM50 his RM20. duh~

Last nite she 2am went to bed. well, she said good nite and i said that too...but, i still got things to tell her.. then, " tuuuuu tuuuuu.... " my expression are just like " =...= " she hang up my phone. " maybe she really wanna go brush teeth and wash face quickly to get to bed "

Thats all for this lately,
Today. wake up. my mood certainly like, volcano eruption xixi~ get to get ready.. 10:00AM already..



November 28, 2009

Today gal gal need "Cai pai" at pesta for 2moro performent..
Abt 3pm Goin out..
Take our lunch at super tanker.. (Cheh.. normal oni ma.. xP)

Lolss.. andy take picha wif his dog..

Picha at super tanker..

Heart-to.. xDD

Guess hu's house is dis.. Haha

Ltr Den..
mimi fetch ki Tesco.. nt extra ha..
Mimi shop.. Andy plyground.. miie? haha..
Sit at smwhr sms wif so lou lur..
doNo 2day wat happen 2 miie..
ki toilet time.. Gt 1 38 guy.. shout loud loud "Xiao jie xiao jie"
i tot wat happen.. mana tau jux hi 2 miie.. za dao 9 9 lat..
Nxt Ngam ngam thr playin "nobody"..
Sudenlly Gt 1 malay guy walk near ask miie hu sing it.. izit korean.. @@"


Take picha aso guai guai dei d..
while edit-in.. keep laugh kuat kuat..

Fei-zhu-liu timezz... xD


November 25, 2009

2day hor..
Went 2 Qb for a movie wif Mr.B..
Ytd whole nite dint slp wel..
gan cheong dao~~~
wake up jor.. keep double triple check c wan wear or take wat...
*Chit chat chit chat*
Reached QB at 1 smth..
Meet Mr.B at cinema..
He book ticket lur..
(Actually he called miie 2gether choose place geh.. Bt the end.. Eu noe.. Haha xPP)

Well is wed.. movie day..
Many ppl went 2 cinema... expecially for 2012 lur..
Hmm.. Take jor ticket at 1 smth nearly 2p.m Bt movie started at 3.40p.m..
So we decide 2 shop luu..
Erm.. No direction walk seems lik gei borin ha geh..

~Ta da~
Picha taken while "walkin" geh time luu..
Meet dao many skol geh ppl.. N sommor  Old skol Fren..
Omg.. Gip them tangkap dao miie lie them i work cham d lur.. xDD
Shh.. "They c bu dao miie they c bu dao miie.." [Cursing.. haha]
*Tik tok tik tok*
time pass by we dint much talkin so..

Belly Meanful Geh movie..
[Warnin : Dun lik 2 Cry d ppl dunwn Ki c dis movie ha..]
Expecially their didi farewell 2 their daughter or son Dat time.. T^T
Jin gak... Jin gak..
Belly geram wif dat ppl hu oni think himself safety n left othr ppl bhind lur..
Dis ppl hor should early early throw ki sea d ar..

After finish da movie..
We went 2 Mcd lur.. meet dao Mr.B geh fren.. Char Siew..
Hmm.. Den Mr.B order miie find place sit luu..
Som1 ply cheat geh lur.. lose jor stil kckc.. >w<"
Gip jor som test 2 him.. Ngek~

Jux nw c movie geh ticket..
Mr.B sit at F15.. Miie F14.. Xixi..~
We took a little walk.. After dat His fren Tv Come fetch bek home..
Abit chat at car luu..
Tv relli a talkative guy ha.. Xd
Hmm.. whole trip end at 8.28p.m.
Belly hard 2 4gt geh 1st time ar.. huhu~

3QQ n Arigato muchii~    Photobucket


Face lik belly fierce gam.. = ="

After edit..


November 23, 2009

10:15PM Monday..
So po told me she going to bed =[ , i dont really want her to. but she requested..
Well, i asked her " i treat her anything bad " well she said some, so i will obey to the things she said.
Its been long time, that we  talk on phone for this long... Im so happy with it
talked about alot of things. but something makes me felt so uncomfortable in a sudden....
now i only know that my So po have some sickness. Well, i wish that she will be getting better and better.
Or gimme deal, gave that sickness to me to change for her healths. i mean it.
Well About to getting license on December soon.
Actually, its not hard just dont panic thats all.
Well i know tonight i gonna be alot things to think again.. xixi.. nvm its ok, been a long time i nvr think stuff d..
Well, hope i oso wont be like wood like she does on.... the day =X
Tomorrow she gonna wake up early, so wish her had a goodnight^^
End For Today. i gonna figure wad should i do next and go luan luan think later =X

"Sometimes low percentage of possibility doesnt mean that they are non-exist.
but they are just rarely to be seen"  -  Wish that me n so po will Last forever..i don want to change.


Mon  1.48pm.
So lou go to college adi..
nt goin anywhr i think..
started feel bored at home..
Hmm.. ytd nite my fren tell miie abt dat work..
when.. time.. salary lur..
Gonna work agn.. evrything wil b fine i think.. xD
So lou says he take jor lesen wan brin miie out..
Xixi.. Dat time i work jor.. Bt he nvm abt it ..
"After work luu.."<< he said..
Erm.. hope he wont hiam miie lik wood aneh..
haha Xdd
2moro goin 2 hospital take blood result for nxt week check up..

Hope Peaceful n happy always larh.. Amithafu ❤❤


November 22, 2009

1st time edited 9 in 1 picha..
Hmm.. seems lik nt so nice..
N hor.. Gt 1 picha mimi say lik "beh hun kia"
swt 9 9.. = =""
should add oil nxt time..
( no comment.. )

At nite went to "Lao di fang" for celebrate Grandma birthday..
Din take picha.. Lz 2 take d..
(Sry yarhxx.. Mai angry miie..  )

End for 2day luu.. Zzzz..


November 20, 2009

Ytd attend "A" farewell party..
Dis party for bein our class teacher from form1-3..
she helpin us alot alot.. almos evrything aso she plainin for us..
Dat time she always scold us noisy n doin nth for class..
Las nite From her word said although we belly notty..noisy at her class.. Bt stil always surprize her..
exp lik evry year she birthday celebrate wif her.. any activiti we wil attend..
Nt much.. Bt she belly appreciate a lot.. Nxt time if gt somthing event cal her.. she wil attend.. expecially our graduation..

Haiy~  1 year doNo hw many tacher leavin d.. Til  graduation doNo stil gt hw many teacher leavin..
Nxt year our principal aso resign d.. Sei lur.. Our skol feelin gonna dom.. Cham til..
Hope well-being til we finish skol lar..

Well.. while waitin 6pm..
we shop-in at pgm lur.. ( actually jux walk walk oni la.. Caz las fri shop here jor.. nth special d..)
Takin Som picha while "shop-in"

at toilet.. after chng off skol uniform..
 Dis yao when 2 Popular sambil wait us chng cloth..
(Eu noe la.. Gal need long time dress up geh.. xDD )
  at Beadszone..
Edited from dark 2 blur.. = ="

Gt so lapar or nt.. =P

Waitin... waitin.. xDD

Finally Get inside adi.. Toilet.. = ="
(1st time take picha c dao teeth.. super qi guai..)

Leng luizz..
(I mean dat white shirt geh.. =P)

Sistarr~ Bff.. xDD


Dis picha mos fei zhu liu d lur..

End for whole day..
othr picha at my fren camera.. Xixi~

Bye Bye teacher.. gonna miss eu muchii.. T^T
