December 29, 2009

long time din update my blog d luu..
dis few days many thing 2 celebrate..
bday.. bday... christmas.. bday agn..
[@@" hin kuat kuat]
Hmm.. 2day celebrate so lou bday..
Havin bfas+lunch at Mcd..
after dat  buy jor 4 cup cake at Mousey Mousey...
[Warnin: beh ciak eh.. if eu lik eat "cream".. i think can choose dis geh.. = =+]

Super cutiie~

Gei happy ha geh... 
dis 31 stil need go out agn..
mm zai wan wear wat ar... cham til...
picha wil b update soon... xP

End HerE la~


December 18, 2009

12/17  Thur
Early celebrate xi wen [Ultramen] birthday..
miie.. Mr.Guo Quan.. Esther..
mornin shift... kena ful day... cannt go wif us.. pity him..
Hmm.. Den our "Zhu jiao" n Wei Lun Off day..
"tik tok tik tok"
Wait time pass...
6pm.. finish work.. Bt we need wait Xi Wen[Ultraman] bek from tuition..
Dat time rainin.. we "WALK" 2 time square..

1st place we went 2..
[A place thing belly guai + boh dat d..xP]


Birthday boy wif his Porridge..

Dis wat i order luu...

" Couple.. "

Ugly miie.. T^T

UMNO emo guy.. <<<

Dis Logo especially for Mr.Black.. Haha

Designed by : Ariel..

<<< Xi Wen[Ultramen] cannt c dao pulak..

Curi c ppl go toilet?


After.. xD

 Omg.. Kung fu??

Hor... Groupin... xDD

After Dat.. Muahaha...
Ply water le luu..
abt 8 smth.. mimi came jor..
Den when bek home d.. =]


Yawn~ its damn early but im wake...
well, its holiday....So? im lonely as well

7 Days left to christmas =D

Yesterday went to " sumwhere " to get my stuff that i bought for So po~
xiu xiu~ i plan to gave her that day but... well nvm since my plan never success, so i hate to plan anything now
So po told me go play water ==" i raelly dnt knw wad 2 say....
" Biiang~~~"
suddenly ye yue told so po about stuff that on 25th december >_<"
Honestly, not i dowan to tell you.. is just, you told me that u r nt free on that day so i just prefer nt to tell since i felt that u might wan 2 acc ur mimi on 25th cuz its christmas.

Founded sumthing cute.

Well i wrote my plan here, that mostly all failed :

24th " Morning shift "
Fetch her on 6, then bring her bekk home for shower and chg clothes, go for dinner at "xxxx" [nt tellin],  go QB might for a movie then later on for count down then over nite at my house because QB to farlim quite far and late.
"Noon shift "
Time is not enough. Fetch her on 10 well straight go QB or Gurney " if hungry i can buy sumthing for her before fetch her ", had a countdown then fetchh her bekk.

25th " Morning shift "
Fetch on 6 go to my house wait for her shower etc etc. then go auto city dinner at " xxxx " [nt tellin], later on i dnt knw go where watch movie "treasure hunter" after that fetch her home.

Plan Before Christmas that failed
1 : Go redbox
2 : Watch movie [ =( so po watch jor ]
3 : bring her go gai gai

Well nevermind^^ now onwards i don care d i sure plan more stuff for my "baby" sopo^^
Failed or wad~ Chap siao ee~ =X
There are meaning in my gift total are 4 things i wanna gave to her^^
[ i might tell her... or i might nt tell her xD ]

This week i really felt bored alot. i dont luan luan think much d. just freakin alot alot.
FB cant help anymore.. arghhhxx~
Started do something else... play Dota? well i never win for 3 days d
Dont know why... start to have some kinda feeling that i wan so po be with me so much...
[ keep telling her ] " yi ri bu jian ru ge san qiu " =X
I really felt that mar hahax
Well i still got 1 more things havent bought =( waitin for someone to tell me got stock or not
If got jiu good le " clap clap "

W00tx!! i still dont have santa hat >_< dim suen ar? So po~~ how ar? Ngek >_<

LOLX my So po pig lai de so late havent wake up, owe me 11 kisses d
Last night the way i talk she kinda " bu suang " aneh... Sry~
Nth 2 Write le~ ends now

" The preparation made because of you,
Thing are done because of you,
If its without you,
Everything will be meaningless to what i have done for
So, please..
Accept my heart into yours,
I wan mine be there forever"


December 14, 2009

LOL.. Bekk from canceled class college =(
When i about to reach college , went to esplanade parking. Thus, all the side are cover with some cage or wadever cell... about to come up some racing event i think... duh~ wadever..
Then i go to 4th floor where all the lab was, w00tx saw my fren.. alone, sit there fa dai... then i wonder why no ppl in class wow~ NO WONDER
class cancel jingak~~ no notice... i called up my fren, he said lecturer got tell us but how come i dont know... ><" Freak~ wadever... Tonight going for gym again~~ Fight fight~

My christmas wall paper for my Desktop "IGX" ^^
11 Days to christmas!!! ^^ cant wait for it!!

LOL~ So po wrote at blog said that know short cut to gurney but... when she come in car.. she diam diam then sleep ki... ><" sei yeh...Well nevermind nt my petrol XD
Went to gurney.. Aww... feel cold inside car go till gurney yue lai yue warm le... Sot jor XD
Hmmm.. qi guai, so po went took picha geh ??? bo tell me de...
While go walk walk that time i dint do what i suppose to do >< nt i dowan bcuz so po keep holding jacket =X
I know one things is keep playing at Toy's R us hahaha~ XD bumble bee de gun XD xixi

Later on, went to northam cafe for dinner
well, ask sopo... wan eat ami? she reply " Sui bian, gen ni yi yang " ==" wa mana zai... later i eat de eu dowan le xD
at last call jor philipines BBQ spagetti, RM10 each plate...i dnt knw wad is wad cincai call jiu can le XD

While waiting our food to come i gib jor so po something^^ she looks vry happy gam.... [ ^^ xixi~ ]
Then after dinner le while going bek home, gib her a keychain that got my name and her name on it^^
well, i bought 2 of them... one for me and 1 for her^^

Well, so po owe me 3 kiss jor XD when wan gib bekk har?? xixi
While journey bekk home^^ i sit wif so po 2gether...... " xxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
Before she go home~ i... Xixi~ ^^V
Muawkxz x2 Kakakax~ [ then now she bcome vry shy jor ]

Alright End here...Sopo went come bekk ar~~ waitin eu ar~~

No Quote for today =P



New time table Out jor..
Mon   Off day
Tue     Mornin shift
Wed   Ful day
Thur   Mornin shift
Fri      Noon shift
Sat     Noon shift
Sun    Mornin shift

Wed kena ful day ar.. T^T
Cant celebrate zhong lin birth.. Haiy~
Miss them muchii~
*Bek 2 topic*
Hmm.. Ytd day wif my fren chat nia luu..
2moro i kena arrage nt same line wif them d..
Breaktime we went 2 Nan yang cafe..[Bside boon hua..]
after work so lou wif tv fetch miie 2 gurney..
Actually i noe gt short cut terus go gurney d..
Bt.. haha.. 4gt 2 tel them.. >w<"
Reach thr.. fuuyoh~
many ppl dao..
After dat.. at cinema thr stop at candy store..
Tv gu yi "Wat" so lou buy lolipop..
Haha.. dat lolipop gei special geh..

took a little walk at thr..
Den when 2 northem cafe..
Eat jor hawaii...? beh hiao.. Haha..
After finish dinner jiu bek le lur..

So lou gip geh.. christmas present? Haha..
he din tel miie for wat d wor.. >w<"

End here luu..


December 13, 2009

Today, i went to queensbay bought something for us.
But somehow, when i talk about ankle-lace...Sopo tought that im just fooling around and nt serious about it...
Just...This make me felt.. so disappointed or depressed... well, nvm
i knw im nt the important one to her... im just consider to her as a " stay " i think...hope im wrong^^..Well, nevermind even thou its really pain....

Christmas left 13 days more...Cant wait for it Hope to have a " HAPPY " christmas^^
Merii Kurisumasu & Akemashite omedetou

All i wanted for christmas is to be her forever ones...but.. [ ^^.... ]
Haha~ stop depressing~ nothing intend to say here or presumption anything..
sympathy that make an opportunity thats all

Tomorrow gonna fetch her bekk from work, before that bring her go gai gai~ hope i had a great time..
i hope to see things clear... i hope...i had an insight magic power so that i don have to predict this and that =D
Well so far everyone oso hope to had that^^

Hmmmm, wandering alot of things nowadays.. hope all those bad things wont come to me ^^
Really dowan, i hate it!! really really HATE IT!!!
i just wanted a normal, happy, sweet ways day by day [ haru haru XD] that pass
live happily and cherish every single moment i had with my so po

Well i felt abit tired wanna go bed. Kinda cold nowadays hope i dont fall sick..
Well, Tv said midnight gonna call me out.. Yawn~ i go sleep first then...
Alrite journey ends here... tomorrow had a new one^^
My personal quote for today :

=My Place In Your Heart=
What can i do? what should i do?
Even thou i done my best i still unable to be one,
Princess, tell me...
Im either your "Part" or your "End"?
Ur answer might kill or save me,
But without your answer I suffer the pain more than death
Good night~
Hope to had a sweet dreams..Positive one yarhx^^ Tq~
"Once the moon change, i do... "


December 12, 2009

Picha wif my 1st tag..
[Khaw 5578]
Feelin lik prisoner gam..

Ytd.. noon shift..
Reached thr abt 15 min gam..
kena scold adi..xP
"yao lai yao qu"
ltr supervisior cal miie lur..
Keep repeat no groupin no groupin..
Haiy.. Caz of miie evry1 bcom diam diam jor.. >w<"
Mr.Guo Qian after dis keep staring at manager tim..
3Q for caring miie alot yarhx~
Til Breaktime..
miie..Xiwen[Ultramen]..HuaBei[Si jiao she]..Mr.Xiiang[Xiiang go?]
N a couple[WeiLun_Malay+Esther]
 Went 2 Boon Hua eat..
Mr.Xiiang n HuaBei[Si jiao she] act "a" couple feed lai feed qu..
Laugh sei.. Tears aso come out..
Sampai dat kopitiam uncle ask miie wat thing so happy..
Aftr dat they complain miie Guai Guai ppl..
"Non-stop Laughin"
End for whole day luu.. xDD


December 11, 2009

Well, its 5:23 PM
So po having break right now , but never reply after one messages.
Its the 102th Days^^
Wednesday is the 100th Days

14th days more to christmas..

Nowadays used to tie hair again. since my back torso getting long again ^^
But i dont really like it because later they said im a girl again.. ><"
Shake Head..

I have been yawning for all day long.. well luckily im not sick, just a little cold that all ^^
Hacking restaurant for my SoPo~ my laptop is still keeping in my begs that i lazy to take them out after i bekk from college.

Yesterday, discuss with Sopo what to buy for her as her christmas present
She gave few opinion
1st - Lollipop... [ this 1 when u wan i oso can give u de la ]
2nd - she said me... [ im already her's forever , so not counted ]
3rd - Candy... [ Whats da different between lollipop @@" ]
4th - Necklace that i said i wanna buy 4 us.. [ i already said wanna buy so not counted as Christmas present ]
5th - Ankle-lace [ what a good idea... but. u dnt sked i "tied " eu ar? ]

Somehow,  i wanna buy Rings for us that crave her name on mine and mine on hers.
But.. What her fingers size wor ><"
Ankle-lace... i dnt knw ur ankle size oso le ><" how ar...
Well, gonna ask her soon. im going to buy ^^

Wandering... How will my christmas be?
Plan to give my sopo a romantic christmas but can i make it? I will try..
Well, i slept again today, its really sleepy...
Im Tired~

Alright since she tell me what to buy as i promises i will tell her something
I wanna know her latest schedule because im planning to bring her to redbox because of some promotion that i heard of~ Rm9 each^^ [ nt expensive ar~ ]
And got 1 more thing, this 1 if wanna know u have to answer me another question
well, i dont think about the next question that im asking will succeed happend..haiy...T^T
so i dowan put so much hope.. later i cry again xixi~

My old Banana picha~
Wandering whats my sopo doing now?
Eating? have fun chattin?
[ Haiy... i cant understand.........y.... ]
Whatever is it^^
 I done the best i can for her that only what i can do.

"Quote for today = Understanding reason "
Sometimes tears are dropping without reason
But sometimes it does with silly reason
Afraid of being replaced?
Do something to keep your self not to be replace.
Thus, sometimes no matter what you do, it wont change because of it
Really Just dont understand

Latest Song recommended by me :
林俊杰 - 第几个100天


December 10, 2009

Yawn~ Really losses control, im bored. after reading blog. then i gt no idea what to do rite now.
So Po dont know busy wad..replying like turtle.. =X

Well lets count down from Christmas, 15 days more
i gotta prepare kinda things.
The most important one, my SoPo present and Planning.
Second one, Stupid License thingy~
Yawn~ [ i been really really bored ]
Should Called as : Boredsome Banana

Btw, its not a bad thing to be bored, u can figure alot of things but somehow i promise not to think thats y i got nothing to do. but just keep Yawn~

Yesterday went out with So Po to Farlim night market, well first time went to There de night market
Well, just walk walk without " holding hands " =X
But at last she oso gimme hold geh =D she might very paiseh she read this =X
Well, afta that they dnt gimme go home ask me follow them 2 OXO
then i order pizza for all ppl to eat. But at last ==" , Finz mai eat, Yeyue said too many Vege dowan eat
I ate 1 piece , Ah yang " Yeyue " fren ate 1 piece
other bring back for DiDi supper ^^

Question time~
Well eu draw so many lurb , lurb who har~ kckc har~ Ngek =X
" Bo write name oso " Ngek~
[ rub eyes ]

Hmmm... So Familiar hor... until few step only... havent finish the step gok =D


Well a cute ice cream picha~

I wan go gai gai~~ i wan go gai gai~~ hou mum ar~~~
Start very very miss So Po jor tim~~
tim suen ar???

Special picha for today
The End.


Bek 2 work agn..
Gonna do light bulb agn..

Startin 2 draw agn luu.. xDD

Dis time title "Lurb "
Mana tau dat gatal uncle sms miie say he on the road 2 KL..
hungry + bOrin..
Chat awhile wif he luu..
N aso msg so lou geh..
Ltr on Mr.Guo Quan came jor..
Wif his injured leg..
Caz he mornin practikal.. eu noe.. haha..
Startin Chit Chat agn~
"Ying Di Ying Hou" yuan lai so hard 2 act d..
Mr.Guo Quan wanna challenge it..
Mana tau keep po gong.. [Shake head]
We stil take manager geh head lai bet "Da mao xian"
Jin gak dao.. xDD
Heard them say ytd gt 2 brainless aunty doNo wan cari gold or smth..
make a big mess on my socks wor..
Den Xi Wen[Qiang diao Ultraman] N Mr.Guo Quan Get help on it..
3QQ yarhx~
Dis few day Gama keep repeat plyin "Las chirstmas"
huhu~ love sei lur..
Chrismas mood gettin stronger n stonger..
Let's cheer for christmas~
Muahaha.. [Sot jor.. xP ]
doNo dis christmas hw celebrate le.. xDD



December 9, 2009

PhotobucketOff day!~


Ytd finally take dao my Punch card n Name tag d..
spend jor rm9..
Mus keep zhu resit.. las day gip dat resit for take bek money wor..
Although 2nd hand.. bt gei shuang geh.. Xixi~
Anthr "Zuo Pin" process while workin geh time..
Guess how borin i'm.. >""<
Xi Wen [Ultraman] teached miie hw 2 use calculator make som trick wif it..
Learin geh time keep ask him.. haha..
feelin he gt abit pek cek wif it.. Sry ha~
Actually til nw lik 4gt jor da step le.. 
Dis few days keep kena complain by manager+supervisior..
Caz groupin n din serve customer..
evryday keep kena Kam Si wif usin CCTV..

Noob in endin..
So.. Muahaha.. 
