January 24, 2010

Gai gai wif happy.. bt fetch by my mimi..
1st.. been gurney.. many ppl... @@"
When ki maggie T.. buy som kinda hp bag gam.. 2 for rm10 oni..
cheap dao~
F.o.s the nxt destination... actually go thr c shoe geh..
bt leg wear jor abit 2 long.. nt nice.. [leg big no good d~]
Hmm.. so buy jor pyjamas geh shorts.. i lurb dat shorts caz bek thr gt the word of "Pinko"
After dat we went 2 taiwan feng wei qing havin lunch..
Nxt.. we went 2 pgm for the nxt journey..
reach pgm... many many ppl.. @@"
went thr nt much lookin..
Buy jor new mascara.. doNo xiao guo hw.. haha..
bek home fas fas pi bath.. den waitin so lou fetch luu..
wah~ wah~
so lou car inside gt big big big hello kitty..
he say gip miie geh..
the hello kitty reli big eh..
then we went ki greenland d mcd..
i take dat big kitty wif us..
whole ppl keep watch miie.. i mean dat kitty...
after dat abt 11 smth bek til home le.. ^^

picha wil b update soon.. xDD


January 18, 2010

Las few days saw dao a show abt design scrap book...
nice til.. Gonna make myself own 1..
In Beginner.. stil learnin geh.. =]
Aftr finish wil post out my 1st artwork..
Need few week geh.. Caz...Lazy~ xP


January 17, 2010

Wootz~ so po hvnt wake up wor...really havent or went out?? kakax ^^
Last nite nt vry fun nt vry happy...Yawn~~~ bit bit sien lur ><"
Hmmm, planning 2 lend so po my hp cuz her hp KO soon but she seems dowan =(

From last week friday till now i havent went out [ i missed my precious so po alot ] btw, yesterday [ saturday ] went to F.A.M.E with frens
A bunch of frens around 25+ ppl go
i might know half of them only later on next table also another fren coming @@ so mostly there i know about 35+ ppl [ i dnt even chat =X ]

Wilson head blocked my view >w<"
[ While waitin to go in , stand outside dreaming ]

from the picture i dnt knw de ppl lai just show that how many ppl waitin outside to go in~ =X

Finally get in there.. go in, take cup, take jug, pour coke, on the cup, sit zhu, drinking coke =)
Then Tv and wilson stand beside me^^ later on, Wilson go yai yai d~ left me n Tv stood around
Thus something happends to my fren[ 8 gua ]
About some arguement then cry then hug hug bekk.... [ mental problem ka??? ]

The bartender place ><

Well i like some of the music when they play it^^ mostly i enjoy much about the music
Well they played mostly Lady Gaga song...bad romance , poker face, etc etc alot

The dance floor... So dark~~ ==" keep gt ppl block me XD

At last saw my fren "Sam" G de XD they mostly enjoyed out themselves but im nt alcoholic and a smoker so i just sit and chat with Tv but HE QIANG WEN ME AGAIN T^T
PS: i sing till bo sia " out of sound " T^T
 Anyway, later on the go " green house " eat..
mm zai 10++ ppl mostly boy then some girls...i go there drink barli XD then go home  le
Then went home journey end about 5am w00tx
Percentage Status
30% Bored , 40% Enjoy, 30% Sleepy


January 16, 2010

Hoo~   Hoo~
Hp geh usB finally k.o jor.. = ="
Cannt send picha in pc..
sommor cannt change adi..
Gx miie.. Cham til..


January 14, 2010

Dis Days bz Goin out wif didi..
"A" family gatherin..
Lurb dis feelin.. ^^V

Picha taken at Northem cafe front door..
 *Pss/:  Those car can move d.. LOL*

Kinda miss So lou muchii..
althought evry nite aso gt "Bou zuk"
Bt.. Bt.. Haiy.. need wait nxt sat le luu..
Class paintin started jor..
white n pink..
Nw onward jux paint white nia..
Waitin~ Xdd
left 1 month New year d..
 New year mood Jux came strongly~
Evryday wif happy[2 sar poh]sing new year song in class..
i stil gt many thing din buy yet leh~
Wait didi bek wil b shopaholic agn..



[MP3] Hou Xian 后弦 - 娃娃脸 【試聽-完整版】http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ALowRow8zw&feature=related



January 11, 2010

i got no reason to wake up, but it seems im a wake..
i damn moody...really...i hate this feeling alot.. wondering why everytime also like that.. feel sad about it..
later on 2PM class but im awake on 8.. idiotic me
well i heard my dad said that fix that stupid junk of my car need a week... well WTF because its claim from insurance so that need takes longer duration?? and he is oso 1 type of kind that never negotiation thats why!!! i hate it. i damn hate it.

Recently just went back to college realized alot of assignment coming. But im not in da mood im still under holiday situation. i wan HOLIDAY
Well, early early im waked. my precious laopo din sms me today.. well must be forgot about me.

Really really sorry about yesterday that i didnt acc her.. =( well nite time i been driving out then fetch wilson go saloon then wait for turns later on go dinner... so i din bekk home acc her... felt so...ermmm...how should i said, like not " right ". Since she tried to wait for me before sleep but i nvr called her =( Sorry~
Duh~ thinking back of the junk car for 1 week start vry beh song...
Haiy, i damn damn depressed and unsatisfied, i cant find a stupid reason to satisfied my feeling now. But all the causes are by me, the useless person...
Hatred can cause me more tempered for sure... out of mood to write now..


January 7, 2010

Bek 2 normal skol life..
Quite happy geh..
no need 2 work d..
Can chit chat wif suka hati..
Bt need wake early lur... Ai kun til..
Dis few days teacher startin 2 teach us lesson d lur..
Keep repeat Spm spm.. @@"
Make til us aso stress on it.. haiy~

2mr gonna meet so lou d.. ^^
for dinner oni la~
Sat le.. gathering wif my workin buddy..
Lolxx..huo guo zi jia.. i waitin eu~~
Our class plannin 2 repaint it..
wif my fav pink colour.. huhu~
Dis Sun gonna help them lur..
Shun bian ki ply ply.. xD
*Didi say he mayb dis sat wil com bek doin smth.. @@"
 Dono real mou d.. *

Bz life begin~ ^^V


January 2, 2010

7:19 Today
Early early wake jor.. mm zai zomik~~
well, just realize i din update blog for a moment ago ><"
well recently going out too much thats why

Went 2 Time square for a countdown with my sopo...
 nt much interesting actually^^ but i really does had a great time while she is with me =D

its christmas^^ Yippe~~
Went to Tao for dinner... Top 10 dishes ordered =( eat till full lolx...
well, i cant gave any judge for it because its expensive with a nice decoration and renovation there^^
After that went for a movie Treasure hunter... [ BEh sEe Ehhhxxzz ]
Shake head...nt nice at all =(

26 + 27 + 28
Stay at home boring like hell =(

Huhu~~ Mua birthday^^
Well early early in da morning fetch so po~
later on went to gurney for a movie ^^ Chipmunk 2 [ cute dao~~~ ]
So po bought 4 cup cake.. So expensive + cannot eat de!!
[ PS : actually, when i take movie ticket from her purse that time i put RM10 inside kekex...she din realize oso =P ]
moment of that so po seems sick...well, makes me worried about her
Well bought panadol for her but she never took even a tablet >"<
nvm~ After movie...
Suddenly, mood straight fall down to 0% see dao da time... [ why suddenly so late 1 ]
Went to QB wanna buy movie ticket for 31st..well they "Egg + YeYue" seems me feel so angry..
i call them but no one answer my call.. HELLO!! i call u guys nt u guys call me cant u answer??
Gosh... nvm past tense~ First time start to feel angry infront of my sopo [ w00tx ]
Well after tat oso din buy dao...

WOW Sien until!!!! early early wake up vry bored d...missed so po so muchiii..
drive to gurney.. 1st shop i went in, "Guess" w00tx saw dao 3 clothes i wan de..
first one no size , second one no stock , third one i buy jor RM399 =="
less 10%.. RM369 ><"
i din realize i really Bought that clothes wif RM369!! PAIN!!! i can go 10+++ times movie d
Then go buy another T-shirt cost RM49 [ this 1 affordable ]
Then i went to QB, saw dao charles^^ chat chat wif him few hours.. sien i help him serve customers summore
Later on went to gama find sopo~ she is sick T^T well buy jor medicine for her then let her sleep for awhile inside car~ then fetch her bekk to gama then i go home...

Muahaha 2010 soon!!! XD [ sot jor ]
Went for a countdown wor... =="
go steamboat.. we late arrive so, others already eat till Dessert d i only wan start to eat.. shake head..
go there i  take food , water , cook , feed [ all in one ] " sopo sit there wait me do all nia XD "
after dinner jiu~~ ABCDEFG~

1st Jan 2010
Boom Boom~~
nth to do whole day... realy nothing at all...^^
i bored till 8pm frm QB > Gurney > Gama > Gurney > Pragin > Gama~ only inside car drive lai drive ki
then wait time zhun zhun 10++ keep round round round..
mana tau see dao sopo mimi nia~ ><" din see dao sopo oso... then she sms me d [white flag]
Mission failed ki liaw~ U-turn from Timesquare.. to PRaginz > Highway > QB there drink tea ><
THE END Liaw~ ==" sien sei
