August 28, 2011

Good Morning
What a good Sunday to blog

Last Friday me N solou went to Stick for dinner
By using voucher 
We almost get wet because there had a big heavy rain
2 stupid keep snap picha

Solou bought me this in Maggie T

Picha of the day.. xD


August 17, 2011

Dai kor lui lur..
Eu like our surprise?
i think eu might cry bcaz we had gip eu a messy...

Alrite here the thing how goes..
1st we went to gurney for a movie
Name : "Zoo keeper"
quite funny,but the story quite ok.

Den we went to Kenny Roasters
Aftr dat we started to move onto our plan
Me, Chea ling, Mr.7
Curi Curi run diao~

Run to Chia ai home..

Den we buy balloon
deco her house..

Dats all for today la..


August 15, 2011

Havnt eu all curios abt how come las sat n sun i didnt update my bloggy~
bcaz i need to help my aunt for her stall
she went to hong kong taiwan for restock
so me n my other aunt take care of gurney stall
Den my mimi n gal gal take care shop in prangin mall
phew~ altought oni 2 day..
but, it is so horrible hot n many ppl..

Ofcourse , i wont skip the time for snap som picha
here goes~


Othr side,
thr is quite alot of cafe i wanna try so muchiie..
1st, i wan go CHICAGO!!
Den anthr 1 i dono wat name adi..
i oni noe it started business in the nite time?

Thr are so many movie i wanna c~~~ > <"


Get shock wif dis title?
wat the meaning b'day inTao.
Of course not my b'day lur
Dis time is celebrate for our ms.finz
eat in tao actually is quite expensive d..
include taxes..@@
lucky i'm not the one hu pay
pity solou need pay rm120++
bek to the picha


August 8, 2011

Solou bought for me~

i 'm so lovin it


Othr side 
We went to Jusco
wan try cook somthing d
den we found dis~

cute but so expensive..> <''


August 7, 2011

"Last Friday night
Yeah we danced on tabletops
And we took too many shots
Think we kissed but I forgot"
Lyrics by Katy Perry

We went to Coffee Island to celebrate JiJi b'day

My face so small..= =


Blackiie bday
We planning gip he a super surprise...
here the plans goes..
We separate into 2 team
1st, Team A trick Blackiie to join a movie
"Captain American"
We Team B hide in a corner to gip him a "heart attack" surprise
we prepare 18 red eggs 
every1 take one, 
n som1 take cakes

actually have a video to show but havnt upload yet.
so eu might be blur blur
den i better skip la..=]

aftr dat we when to James Foo
quite ok la
they say here always full house de

here the picha goes..
