February 24, 2012

It was so sudden.
Last Night, Solou ask me out for accompany he go take pc for a guy.
PS: // Because The guy wan him to Fix it?

So, we went to auto city for meet up.
Reached Mcd.
Wait and waiting.
Finally a car reached.
How come is a girl and doesn't have any pc but a camera.

I had Dream so long for This camera- MiNi 25.
Solou said he plan so long for Tis Surprise.
We almost got argue.LOL~

Instax Mini 25
And Film.

Inside got Mini25, Battery (CR2) and a focus lens.

1st picha.

If Any interested on mini 25 or 7s

Or asking those prices.

Is welcome to inbox me here or facebook.


February 19, 2012

I just found something about T-ara.
If you a t-ara fans. This is a good website.

Inside is all about T-ara videos~
Activities, movie,songs, etc etc.
Enjoy for viewing it.

Some preview on it .

for JiYeon Fans.
Just follow her Twitter <3


February 15, 2012

I bet eu guys had a great valentine rite?
Maybe This is the last valentine
Becaz it's 2012.. 

Choi choi~ said bek our topic..

My Dear Finally bring me go ferringhi garden
Before this always got problem at the end cant go~

The Feeling is just so romantic.
But, Fully bOOked =X

Lucky we still can squeeze in.. 

This guy playing with the candle.. > <"

We are sooooo Hungry..

Yet, Ferringhi Garden Taxes around 16%
which is gov tax and service tax.
We order 2 main courses and drinks 
Total around RM100++ (Taxes include)
And a free rose for valentine..
how sweet they are.

Actually we plan for a walk for the night market
But It seem goin to rain.
So we changed our plan to strait quay
[Readers: eww.. AGN..]

Dear have the 1st try for the macaroons
..Didn't hear much for the comment.. 
Bcaz while he eating.. he talk to the phone..
But nvm.. i goin to do for my own macaroon.. 

Delicious macaroons is the best~

starbuck ? coffee bean?
The Clue is... a purple straw?

Thx for bringing me where i wan to go..
Giving me what i want.
Using all your Lurb to love me.
This is our 2nd time celebrate our valentine.
I hoping we will have the 3rd and 4th and much much more..

I Lurb Sei eu lor..


February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine~
I Lurb you.. YMW

Nail Art for the special day 


February 11, 2012

Behold hello kitty fans❤
Premier in hello kitty cover is now in any 7-eleven.
Just grab for your own..
1 packet - RM0.70
whole of them i'm not sure.

Shortly update.


February 6, 2012

Today,I'm going to bring you a ride to Bukit Bendera~
Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat-belt.

saw our sleepy face?
we wake up early in the morning around 6~7
Let me introduce.
Beside me de leng lui: Chia ai (Happy)
Yellow tee: Wei Loon
Peace post: Mr.7
1st thing,Brought ticket for cable car.

Line up is a good manner.
Ticket with Ic is around rm8.
With student card rm4.
After we brought our ticket Then wait for cable car.

We got our ticket!!

While waiting..
*Snap around*

AduhHead so small...

Oh my gosh
izit train coming?

Feel Thirsty ?

Welcome to Penang Hill.

We Going Up _ Penang hill.

Cable car~Cable car~

This fellow Playing our ticket..- -"

Cable car arrived.

Cable car speed quite fast geh..
Our Chia ai Scare until keep grab Mr.7 shirt.

King Kong King Kong~
Off to go~

Penang Hill is damn high.
Around 701.04 meter.
Using cable car
It takes 20min to reach to the top.


*Just ignore*

Started our journey~

*Snap Snap*

"Hey, Here got telescope"

Rm1 for using telescope.
2 x 50cents


Did you see ah pek using telescope? 

Looks like wall-E?


Tired > <"

This car include a driver would take you a drive
and look around.
It's only rm30~
Old Train~
Looks like they renovate something new.

Indian Temple

Another station..


Watch out robbery snatch bag~ haha..

I got my own car also

Opps.. we left someone behind~
Next, we found some sort like body art.
every picture cost RM15.
Den i choose This picha!~
Gan cheong Gan cheong~


 Now Our Chia ai Turn~ xDD

 another station~



Going bek~

